- A -

Act of agreement on the location of land plot boundaries

Adding a new application or editing an existing one

Adding a new or editing an existing client

Adding a new or editing an existing contract

Adding a new or editing an existing customer representative

Adding a new or editing an existing document

Adding a new or editing an existing executor

Adding a new or editing an existing explanation to the sections of the territory map plan

Adding\editing a measurement tool

Addition new or editing of existing point of a geodetic network


Arrangement plot on the cadastral plan

- B -

Base of cadastral works

Basic information

Block Boundary, Parcel Boundary, Subparcel Boundary

Border of a municipal formation

Border of a populated locality

Border of a subject of the Russian Federation

Borders of municipal entities

Borders of Russian Federation subjects

Borders of settlements

Borders of water bodies

Boundaries of surveying projects

Boundary of a public servitude

Boundary of land reservation area

- C -

Cadastral Block

Cadastral documents

Certificate of inspection of the property

Check XML-file for compliance with XSD-scheme

Content of the map (plan) of the land management object


Correction of registry errors

Create object from an XML–file of the cadastre


- D -

Description of parts of the property

Description of premises, parking spaces in the building, structure

Description of the location of the boundaries of settlements

Dialogue Map (plan) of the land management object

Document on the changes in the characteristics of land

Document on the delineation of the Russian Federation

Document on the establishment of territorial zones

Document on the establishment of the boundaries of objects

- E -

Editing attributes of a cadastral object

Electronic digital signature (EDS)

Electronic XML document



- F -

Facility Description

Filling in the attributes of cadastral objects

Filling in the attributes of land management objects

Formation of a map (plan) of the territory

Formation of electronic XML document

Formation of forest declaration

Formation of text report

Formation of text report for the map (plan) of the land management object

Formation parameters

- G -

General information

Generating a text report for the boundary plan

Graphical part

Grounds for conducting land management works and initial data

- I -

Information about the land management object

Information about the location of the boundaries of the land management object

Information from the state real estate cadastre

Initial data

- L -

Land plot

Land plots

Land reservation areas

Land Survey Plan

Land survey plan dialog

Land Survey Plan, version 6

Land survey plan. Appendices

Land survey plan. Cadastral engineer

Land survey plan. Client ordering cadastral work

Land survey plan. General information

Land survey plan. Graphic files

Land survey plan. Initial data

Land survey plan. Land plots

Land survey plan. Text report

Land survey plan. XML document

Land surveying project

List of cadastral engineers

List of classes of cadastral objects

List of clients

List of customer representatives

List of geodetic network points

List of measuring tools

Loading geodetic network points from a file


- M -

Map (plan) of the object land

Map (plan) of the object land 2024


- P -

Parameters for the formation of cadastral documents

Part of the plot


Plan bounds

Plan of the boundaries of the land management object


Preparation of graphic files

Preparation of graphic files with diagrams

Preparation of the cadastral plan map

Preparation of the land management map

Preparing a map with corrections of registry errors

Procedure for filling out other sections of the XML document

Procedure for filling out the information package

Public servitudes

- R -

Reading the cadastral plan of the territory and updating the map

Real estate objects


Recommendations for preparing a cadastral map

- S -

Scheme of land boundaries

Section Conclusion of the cadastral engineer

Section Coordinates of boundary points of land plots

Section Drawing of land plots and their parts

Section General information on cadastral work

Section Information on clarified land plots

Section Information on formed land plots

Section Information on modified land plots

Section Information on parts of land plots

Section Initial data

Section Scheme of geodetic constructions

Section Scheme of land plot locations

Section title page of the map (plan) of the land management object

Setting up codes for created objects


Shoreline (border of a water body)

State border

State border of the Russian Federation

- T -

Tab General information about the object

Tab Map (plan)

Technical building plan

Technical construction plan

Technical plan

Technical plan of a single real estate complex

Technical plan parking lots

Technical premises plan

Territorial division

Text report of the map (plan) of the object

The project land surveying

The rights holder

Transfer to the fund

- V -

Versions of the XML document the Land Survey Plan

View and editing XML-file

- X -

XML document according to the schema interact_entry_boundaries_v02

XML document according to the schema interact_map_plan_v01_R04

XML File Data Import

- Z -

Zones and territories

Технический план объекта незавершенного строительства