List of geodetic network points

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Designed to display a list of geodetic network points stored in the database, it appears as follows:




With its help, one can perform item selection, add new items to the database, edit existing items, upload items from a CSV file, and remove geodetic network items from the database.


To carry out these actions, a series of buttons are provided on the form:

button_exit - "Exit". Upon clicking on it, the form closes. However, no item is selected at this point;

button_help - "Help". Request for assistance on how to work with the form;

- "Select". When this button is clicked, an item from the list is chosen, and the form closes;

button_plus - "Add". Addition of a new item. After clicking, a form for entering information opens;

button_edit - "Edit". Editing the selected item in the list. The same form opens as when adding a new item, but all fields are filled with data from the current item;

button_minus - "Delete". Deletion of the selected item from the database list. When attempting to delete an item that is associated with existing contracts, an informative message will be displayed requesting confirmation for deletion;

button_load - "Upload from file". Clicking on this button opens a form for uploading information from a CSV file.