Loading geodetic network points from file

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The form for loading geodetic network points from a .csv file looks as follows:




The .csv file line containing information about the loaded point should have the following fields separated by a semicolon (";"):

— geodetic network point type

— point name

— geodetic network type

— geodetic network class

— coordinate system

— X coordinate

— Y coordinate

— height

— information about the condition of the point's external mark

— information about the condition of the point's center

— information about the condition of the point's center mark

— date of inspection


If during the loading process a line with a different format is encountered, a prompt to interrupt the loading process will appear the first time. If the process is not interrupted, all subsequent "bad" lines will be ignored. At the end of the operation, a message showing the number of processed lines and their total number is displayed at the bottom of the form.


At the top of the form, there is a panel with buttons:

Выход Exit closes the form. If changes were made in the input fields, they will not be saved.

clip0010 Help brings up help information about working with the form.

clip0011 Load loads data from the selected file. If no file is selected or the file is empty, no action is taken.


Below the button panel is the data file selection window. To select a file, click the button clip0472, and specify the required file in the opened dialog. After selecting the file, its name will be displayed in the field to the left of the selection button, and several first lines of the selected file's content will be shown in the window below.


Further down on the form are elements for configuring the loading mode for points that already exist in the database. Before saving a point to the Database, the point name and coordinate system are analyzed. If such a point already exists, selecting the "replace" mode will update its information. When selecting the skip loading method, no action will be taken.