Preparation of graphic files with diagrams

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The graphical part of the cadastral plan includes:

- a scheme of geodetic constructions;

- a layout of land plots;

- a drawing of land plots;

- outlines of the boundary points of land plots.


The preparation of images for schemes and drawings, as well as the outlines of boundary points, involves creating the corresponding map and subsequently saving the map image in a specified file format.


Schemes and drawings must be saved as graphic files in PDF format. The folder for storing graphic files of schemes and drawings should be nested relative to the location of the cadastral plan map.


For example, if the path to the map is map\planЗУ1.sitx, then the paths to the graphic files will be:

- geodetic constructions scheme — map\pictures\geoshemeЗУ1.pdf;

- land plot boundary scheme — map\pictures\shemeЗУ1.pdf;

- land plot drawing — map\pictures\draftЗУ1.pdf.


For ease of identification, it is recommended to add a designation or cadastral number of the plot — ЗУ1 — to the file name.

To save images of schemes and drawings, it is advisable to use the  "Save Image for the graphical part of the report" mode.

To save images of the outlines of boundary points, it is recommended to use the "Save Image of Selected Map Fragments" mode.