Act of agreement on the location of land plot boundaries

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The table "Information on the Results of Boundary Location Agreement" is filled out with the following data:

— Information about the section is filled in with data from the map;

— Cadastral number of the adjacent plot — KADNUM;

— Surname and initials of the person involved in the agreement — LANDHOLDER;

— Details of the identity document — DOCHOLDER;

— Details of the document confirming the representative's authority — DOCTRASTED;

— Method and date of notification — NOTIFICATION.


Information regarding objections to the location is filled out manually in the document.


The table "Information on the Withdrawal of Objections to Boundary Location" is filled out with the following data:

— Designation of the section is filled in with data from the map;

— Cadastral number of the land plot — KADNUM;

— Surname and initials of the land plot holder — LANDHOLDER;

— Details of the identity document of the land plot holder — DOCHOLDER;

— Details of the document confirming the representative's authority — DOCTRASTED;

— Method of withdrawal of objections regarding boundary location — OBJECTION.

— Surname and initials of the cadastral engineer are edited in the Cadastral Engineer tab.