Information from the State Real Estate Cadastre

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БезымянныйThe Information mode from the State Real Estate Cadastre is designed to obtain attributive information about cadastral objects.

To request information from the State Cadastre, it is necessary to specify a point on the map and click the left mouse button. The system will automatically make a request to the State Real Estate Cadastre database, parse the received information package, and display the details in the dialog.




For the mode to function properly, the following conditions must be met:

— The map must support the recalculation of geodetic parameters;

— The computer must have access to the Internet.


During the operation of the dialog, caching of the obtained information is performed to reduce the load on the Internet and decrease the number of requests to the State Cadastre database. The date and time of data retrieval are displayed in the last line of the Information field. To refresh the data and obtain current information at this moment, it is necessary to click on the button in the lower right corner of the form.