List of customers

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Designed to display a list of clients stored in the Database, and has the following appearance:




It can be used to select a client, add new clients to the Database, edit existing clients, and delete clients from the Database.


To perform these actions, the form includes several buttons:

Выход Exit closes the form. No client selection occurs in this case.

clip0010 Help brings up help information about working with the form.

clip0011 Select allows you to choose a client from the list and closes the form.

hmfile_hash_0d9cb527 Add adds a new client and opens a form for entering information.

hmfile_hash_3a284721 Edit modifies the selected client in the list and opens the same form as when adding a new one, but all fields are filled with data from the current client.

hmfile_hash_a8649aee Delete removes the selected client from the Database. When deleting a client who has been involved in contracts, an information message will appear requesting confirmation for deletion.