Adding a new or editing an existing client

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The form for adding a new client has the following view:



When editing an existing client, the form has the same view, except for the «Client type» element. On the form, it is desirable to fill in at least the «FULL name» field for an individual or the «Name» field for other types of clients. The «Document» and «Address» fields can be filled in manually, or you can call special forms by clicking the buttons , located to the right of the input fields.


In the upper part of the form there is a panel with the buttons:

- «Exit». When you click on this button the form is closed. At the same time, if any changes were made in the input fields, they will not be saved;

- «Help». Calling the help information on working with the form;

- «Save». When you click on this button, all entered information is saved and the form is closed.