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When performing cadastral works related to the creation of a building or structure and premises, parking spaces in it, or in connection with the creation of an apartment building and premises, parking spaces in it, the Premises tab is activated.


Information about premises is displayed as a list in the List of Premises and Parking Spaces element. When first opening the dialog, the list is empty. Corresponding screen buttons are provided for adding and removing rows.


The information specified in this tab is used to fill out the Characteristics of Premises and Parking Spaces in Building, Structure section. The program will generate in the report document or electronic XML file the number of sections corresponding to the number of rows in the List of Premises and Parking Spaces element.


To enter and edit information about premises or parking spaces, select the desired premises/parking space from the list. The и element displays previously entered data. Data entry in the elements is done through direct value editing.


For adding and removing rows in the Previously Assigned State Registration Numbers and Cadastral Numbers of Original Objects elements, corresponding screen buttons are provided.


To specify the officially assigned address or location description of premises/parking spaces, click the Address button. This activates the Set Address dialog.


The values specified in the Set Address dialog are used to fill out elements in position 4 of the Characteristics of Premises and Parking Spaces in Building, Structure section. To reduce manual entry errors in address elements, there is a procedure for obtaining structured address description from an external database by clicking the Get Address screen button. This results in a dialog that enables entering address element values through sequential selection from a hierarchical address registry. If the Address Formation dialog doesn't appear when clicking the Get Address button, you need to change the provider type. Two options are available: SQLNCLI.1 and SQLOLEDB.


When processing information about premises/parking spaces in a building or structure, additional information about floor plans is entered for insertion into the XML file.


The Level List element specifies information about the number of floors for premises/parking spaces by indicating the number of levels. Corresponding screen buttons are used to add and remove levels. For each level, necessary data is specified: number, code, and floor type.


Then, for each level in the Plan Description element, floor plan information is specified. To do this, select the desired row in the level list. The program will display information about the current level of premises/parking spaces in the Plan Description group. It is mandatory to fill in the Premises/Capital Construction Object Part Number on Plan position. The entered value must correspond to the text label on the graphic image of the floor plan.


The floor plan graphic images themselves are attached as image files. Corresponding screen buttons are provided for adding and removing attached image files. For attached files containing floor plans, the scale value must be specified.


If the building or structure has no floors, activate the Property Has No Floors element. For such premises and parking spaces in such buildings/structures, level information is not specified.


Multiple graphic files can be specified for one floor (adding/removing graphic files is done using the +/- buttons).


After entering/editing information about premises or parking spaces, you must click the Update Data After Editing button.


For cadastral registration and rights registration of parking spaces, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia considers it possible to submit a technical plan prepared using the XML schema available on the Rosreestr website, which is necessary for preparing a technical plan of premises, taking into account several specific features. In particular, it is advisable to indicate "non-residential" as the purpose of the premises. In the Cadastral Engineer's Conclusion section, it should be specified that the technical plan has been prepared for a parking space, and information about the parking space location description should be provided, corresponding to the content of requisite "2" of the Description of Real Estate Object Location section of the technical plan form, approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia Order No. 953 dated 18.12.2015, and the scope of cadastral works performed.


For cadastral registration of a non-residential building and its premises, it is possible to submit a technical plan prepared using the XML-schema designed for apartment buildings and their premises. In this case, the Cadastral Engineer's Conclusion section should indicate that the technical plan has been prepared for a building designated as "non-residential" and the premises located within it.