Adding a new or editing an existing contract

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The form for adding a new or editing an existing contract has the following view:




Information about the contract is located on six tabs – «General information», «Executors», «Clients», «Measuring tools» and «Geopunkts» and «Documents». On the «General information» tab, you must fill in at least the field with the contract number (it is highlighted in yellow color). At the bottom of the tab, information about the contract's connection to the map object is displayed. If you need to break the link with the object, you should click on button button_nolink.


On the "Performers" tab, there is a list of performers of cadastral works linked to the current contract. Performers can be of three types - cadastral engineers, individual entrepreneurs, and legal entities.




In order to add another executor into the contract, you need to click on the button . After clicking on it, a list of all executors included in the database will open. From this list you must select an executor who is not yet in the current contract. To delete an executor from the contract, click the button . In this case, the executor will be deleted from the contract, but will remain in the database and can be added again later.

The «Clients» tab contains a list of clients linked to the current contract.




In order to add another client into the contract, you need to click on the button . After clicking on it, a list of all clients included into the database will open. From this list you must select a client who is not yet in the current contract. To delete a client from the contract, click the button . In this case, the client will be deleted from the contract, but will remain in the database and can be added again later.

The «Measuring tools» tab contains a list of measuring tools linked to the current contract.




In order to add another measuring tool to the contract, you need to click on the button . After clicking on it, a list of all measuring tools included in the database will open. From this list you must select a tool that is not yet in the current contract. To delete a measuring instrument from the contract, click the button . In this case, the tool will be deleted from the contract, but will remain in the database and can be added again later.

The «Geopunkts» tab contains a list of geodetic network points linked to the current contract.



In order to add another geopunkt into the contract, you need to click on the button . After clicking on it, a list of all geopunkts included in the database will open. From this list you must select a geopunkt which is not yet in the current contract. To delete a geopunkt from the contract, click the button . In this case, the geopunkt will be deleted from the contract, but will remain in the database and can be added again later.


On the "Documents" tab, there is a list of documents used in preparing the contract for carrying out cadastral work.




To add another document to the contract, you need to click on button button_plus. After clicking on it, a list of all documents entered in the database will appear. From this list, you need to select a document that is not yet in the current contract. To remove a document from the contract, you need to click button button_minus. In this case, the document will be deleted from the contract but will remain in the database and can be added again later.


In the upper part of the form there is a panel with the buttons:

- «Exit». When you click on this button the form is closed.At the same time, if any changes were made in the input fields on the «General information» tab, they will not be saved;

- «Help». Calling the help information on working with the form;

- «Save». When you click on this button, all entered information is saved and the form is closed.  If the «Number of contract» field is not filled in, the button will be inactive.