Check XML-file for compliance with XSD-scheme

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ic_0152 The mode is designed to check XML files (land-survey plan, technical plan, description of boundaries, territorial zones, etc.) for the absence of format errors in accordance with the XSD schema. XML files are formed by the program during the execution of various modes, based on the information presented on the map. XSD schemes are published on the Rosreestr portal ( and are available for download. For ease of use, in the absence of access to the Internet, all current XSD schemes are downloaded in advance and supplied with the program in the Geodesy.XSD folder.


To check, you must select the name of the XML file to be checked. Next, the program automatically detects the XSD schema on the basis of which it was created and verifies and performs format control. The control results are displayed in the form of text strings in the lower dialog window. You only need to specify the name of the XSD schema file if the program was unable to automatically find it.


If necessary, you can check the relevance of XSD schemes (the Check the relevance of schemes button). In the process of checking relevance, the root and all nested schemas (directories, classifiers, etc.) are checked.


To automate the processing of cadastral and land management data, the preset settings for the codes of objects and attributes of the digital classifier of the survey map of the actual version are used.

Digital classifier survey of the actual version, containing the necessary composition of objects and attributes of the cadastral map, is included in the delivery of the program.