Adding a new or editing an existing executor

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The form for adding a new or editing an existing performer depends on the type of performer. Performers can be cadastral engineers, individual entrepreneurs, and legal entities. When adding a new or editing an existing cadastral engineer, the form looks as follows:




On the form, you must fill at least the «Full name» field. It is highlighted in yellow color. The «Address» field can be filled in manually, or you can call the form for selecting an address by clicking the button located to the right of the input field.


When adding a new or editing an existing individual entrepreneur, the form looks as follows:




On the form, you must fill at least the «Full name» field. It is highlighted in yellow color. The «Address» field can be filled in manually, or you can call the form for selecting an address by clicking the button located to the right of the input field.


When adding a new or editing an existing legal entity, the form looks as follows:




On the form, you must fill at least the «Name» field. It is highlighted in yellow color. The «Address» field can be filled in manually, or you can call the form for selecting an address by clicking the button located to the right of the input field.


When editing information about the performer, the "Performer Type" list will be unavailable.


In the upper part of the form there is a panel with the buttons:


- «Exit». Clicking on this button closes the form. At the same time, if any changes were made in the input fields, they will not be saved;

- «Help». Calling the help information on working with the form;

- «Save». When you click on this button, all entered information is saved and the form is closed. If the «Full name» field is not filled in, the button will be inactive.