Base of cadastral works

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26656The «Base of cadastral works» subsystem is designed to maintain information on contracts for cadastre works, clients of cadastre works, performers of cadastre works, measurement tools, geodetic network points, and documents. The subsystem is integrated into all modes of preparation of cadastral documents, including: land survey plan, technical plan, map (plan) of the land management object. The information entered in the subsystem dialogs is used to speed up data entry in various modes of formation of cadastral documents.

The «Base of cadastral works» is stored in SQLite format and contains information about contracts for work, executors of cadastral work, clients of cadastral works and other information. The path to the database location can be found in the «Parameters for the formation of cadastral documents» in the «Data Location Folders» section. The database file is named cadworks.db3. For collective work with one database of several users, the program settings provide the ability to select the location of the «Base of cadastral works» file for network access. However, in this case, the version of the used software must be the same, so as the version of the database, the structure of the tables and their composition change from time to time. For the convenience of identifying information, the path to the database file and its version are displayed in the headers of dialogs on working with the «Base of cadastral works».

On the main form of the Base of cadastral works, separate tabs contain lists of contracts, executors, clients, measuring instruments and geodetic network points, information about which is stored in the database.




There are also a number of buttons on the form:

- «Exit». When you click on it, the form is closing;

- «Help». Calling the help information on working with the form;

- «Select». When you click on this button, a list element is selected in accordance with the currently active tab and the form is closed. When calling the database from the «Cadastral Documents» panel, the button is not available;

- «Add». Adding a new list item according to the currently active tab. After pressing the button, a form for entering information opens;

- «Edit». Editing the selected list item, in accordance with the currently active bookmark. The same form opens as when adding a new one, but all the fields in it are filled with data on the current list item;

- «Delete». Deleting the selected list item from the database, according to the currently active tab.