- A -
Add title text from metrics into semantics
Addition of an absolute height into metrics from objects semantic
Addition of an absolute height into semantics from the objects metrics
Addition of semantics to marked objects
Addition of the object into a set
Addition of vertex into matrix border
Addition of vertex into raster border
Additional parameters of output to PostScript-file
Additional printing parameters
Aeronautic map nomenclature (АNK)
Alignment in horizontal direction
Alignment in vertical direction
Alignment of marked titles by the list
Angle of inclination of the vector object
Arbitrary configuration for line object
Arbitrary configuration for polygon object
Arbitrary line (cancelling of modes «H», «V», «R», «K», «T»)
Area calculation for the specified region in view of a relief
Automatic insert of titles into horizontals
Automatic sattelite recognition
- B -
Binding of a south-west corner of a raster (Place raster by angle)
Building a polygon by a given azimuth and distance
Building a profile along line for a matrix of layers or qualities
Building a zone of flood by marks of a water level
Building dynamic profile for matrix of layers
Building of a profile along an object
Building of a profile in view of relative height of object
Building of a regular grid of vector characteristics
Building of buffer zone around of marked map objects
Building of surface by isolines
Building profile along an object for a matrix of layers
Building visibility zone on heights matrix (input from keyboard)
By object (creation of point and vector objects) («B»)
- C -
Calculation of an object length in view of a relief
Calculation of broken line length
Calculation of cost by surface
Calculation of lengths distances and areas
Calculation of object length (perimeter)
Calculation of semantics value in specified point
Calculation of volume on a matrix of layers
Calculations by character semantics
Calculations on semantics of selected objects
Cancellation executable operation
Change of image of graphic object
Changing boundaries of visibility selected objects
Changing color of a selected object
Changing digitizing direction for line object
Changing direction of digitizing (revert) («D»)
Changing direction of digitizing (revert) (creation of line objects) («D»)
Changing the display type of a vector map
Choice of a mode of CREATION of a file name
Choice of a pen and a paintbrush color
Choice of mode of data processing
Choosing pen and paintbrush colour from available on raster
Choosing pen and paintbrush colour from raster palettealette
Circle of fixed or arbitrary radius
Close a contour of object (close line) («L»)
Combined mode of line creation
Combining and intersection of lists by selection conditions
Common information about object editing
Completion of executed operation
Composition of the list of objects
Compression and optimization of a matrix
Constructing of kilometer marks
Construction of a drainage area
Construction of isolines by surface
Continuation (digitizing) line object
Converter vector map into bort format
Copy center of line («Copy center of line («C»)»)
Copy marked objects to user map
Copy of a part of selected object («P»)
Copy of a vertex of selected object
Copy of a vertex of selected object («I»)
Copy of graphics from one map object into other
Copy of metrics from one object of a map into another
Copy of semantics from one map object into other
Copy with changing the object type
Create a multipolygon, polyline, multipoint object
Create surface of remoteness for selected objects
Create the object title on the text from semantics of object (smoothing spline)
Creating a graphic point object
Creating a multipolygon, multiline, multipoint object
Creating and editing lists of objects
Creating and using group objects
Creating combined command posts
Creating map object from conditional object
Creating object with existing code
Creating raster map on map document
Creating subobject by existing object
Creating the composite curvilinear label (polylabel)
Creation an any raster section
Creation and editing of map object's metrics
Creation of a polygon based on the boundaries of surrounding contours
Creation of a set of objects in models
Creation of an embankment with a normal distribution of strokes
Creation of an embankment with an apportionment of strokes
Creation of blocks in settlements
Creation of constrained subobject («Y»)
Creation of constrained subobject (creation of linear object)
Creation of correspondence zones by calculations as the raster or matrix image
Creation of correspondence zones by conditions as the raster image
Creation of density surface for marked objects
Creation of free subobject («Space»)
Creation of free subobject (creation of linear object)
Creation of intersections points of marked objects
Creation of label by object semantics
Creation of object group by coordinates received from file
Creation of objects by intersection of marked and selected map objects
Creation of objects intersections points
Creation of plan sheets set onto preset area
Creation of Platform type object
Creation of Stairs type object
Creation of zigzag object (bridge)
Creation the matrix of qualities
Current position of a matrix relatively to view window
Current raster position concerning view window
Customizing common parameters of logarithmic interpolation and Kriging
Customizing displayed channels of multispectral image
Cut off of linear object on dimensions of the title
Cut out a piece of map inside of contour
Cut out a piece of map outside of contour
Cutting of matrix by selected area
Cutting of rasters by selected area
Cutting of the object by a line
Cutting raster map under the nomenclatures
- D -
Data loading from exchange formats
Definition distance from a point up to object
Definition of emptiness on a map
Delete 4-dimensional metric of objects
Delete height from metrics of objects
Deleting border vertex of matrix
Deleting border vertex of raster
Deleting all subobjects of marked objects
Deleting of the object from a set
Designing of Stairs type object
Diagram of powers values in a point
Dialog of creation and editing of the object's metrics
Disabling background color for raster mosaics
Displacement to the line with turning
Display the matrix above (under) the map
Display the matrix on a framework
Displaying the value of the linear measurement on the route
Dissection of line object of indicated type by group of marked objects
Distance between objects of a vector map
Document is printed not entirely or incorrectly
Dynamic labeling of list objects
- E -
Editing of adjacently verteices
Editing of the same name points adjacent objects
Editing of the scenario dialogue
Editing of the semantic characteristics of object by list
Editing semantics of objects list
Ellipse (creation of a circle or a circle of arbitrary radius) («E»)
Equal allocation in horizontal direction
Equal allocation in vertical direction
Example of objects creation under scenario
Example of the creation scenario file
Export of a vector map to formats SXF, TXF, DIR
Export of matrix of heights into TIFF and KMZ file
Exporting a group of height matrices into TIFF and KMZ files
Exporting rasters to format TIFF, JPEG, BMP, PCX
Extract the border of a raster by marked objects of a vector map
- F -
File of a raster binding.TAB (MapInfo)
File of placing of a raster .MAP(OziExplorer)
Filter (moving of object part)
Filtering of one-color raster map
Find nearest neighbors for list objects
Fonts are printing incorrectly
Format of a text file of a raster mask
Formation of common external border
Full copies (duplicate) object
- G -
Geographic map nomenclature(OGK)
Go to the previous point («X»)
Goto a southwest corner of a matrix
Goto south-west corner of raster
Group of modes Alignment selected of objects
Group of modes Cut and combine
Group of modes Graphic objects
Group of modes Measurement and results of check
Group of modes Processing selected objects semantics
- H -
Height addition into coordinates of marked objects
Heights arrangement along a profile
Horizontal line (creation of objects) («H»)
Horizontal line (editing of objects) («H»)
Horizontal rotated or complex rectangle
How to open a digital vector map
How to print a portion of digital map
Hydrography Objects and Elevation Matrices Alignment Tool
- I -
Import of vector maps formats SXF, TXF, DIR
Insert of the title into a line
Installation of rasters borders by marked objects of a vector map
Installation of topographic fonts
Interpolation of isolines inside of selected part (stripes)
Inversion of a choice the disconnected raster colors
- J -
- K -
- L -
Line title creation by the text from object semantic(arbitrary contour)
Line title creation by the text from semantics of object
Linear coordinates calculation parameters
Linear interpolation inside triangles
Linking objects into group by semantics
List of permissible key commands
Loading data from the Database
Loading matrix from a database
Loading of a raster map from JPEG format file
Loading of raster data by stream
Loading raster data by stream under PLS list
Loading the graphic format files in a raster map
Loading vector data from SXF format
Lowering the chromaticity of the raster image
- M -
Map object attributes (Semantics)
Map updating from formats SXF, TXF, DIR, MAP, SIT
Marginal representation template editor
Marking of objects for equivalent image (type)
Matrix of layers building order
Measurement of areas of arbitrary polygons
Measurement of lengths and areas (in mm) on a map
Measurement of lengths and areas in meters on district
Measurement of lengths and distances
Memorize cursor position on a map («M»)
Mode of capture of «another's» vertices (take vertex) (create objects edit vertex) («K»)
Mode of capture of »another's» lines («take line» mode)
Mode of creation of reply vertices («G»)
Mode of editing of adjacently vertices (vertices editing) («A»)
Mode of insert at editing vertices
Mode of saving the map image into graphic files by page format
Mode of stream saving map images into graphic files
Models of created objects (Map Legend)
Modes for creating and editing thematic layers
Move raster to south-west corner
Move the matrix on dx/dy meters
Moving vertex of matrix border
Moving vertex of raster border
- O -
Operation with dialogues of Choice and Editing of the scenario
Operations on lists of objects
Order of disabling the background color for raster mosaics
- P -
Parameters for displaying nautical maps of the S52 standard
Place of selected objects by two points
Place raster by 2 points with disproportionate scaling
Place raster by 2 points with rotation and scaling
Place raster by 2 points with scaling
PostScript language codes are output instead of the image
Preparation the matrix of layer legend
Printing of a fragment of a map on the template
Procedure for configuring dynamic labeling on GIS Server or GIS WebServer
Process of a vectoring (tracing)
- Q -
- R -
Raster cutting by selected objects
Raster image fragment histogram
Raster position concerning a digital vector map
Raster-matrix data with smoothing
Recalculation of coordinates in text files
Recommendations for saving an image of right of way
Recommendations for saving mosaics of space and aerial photographs
Reconciliation neighboring points of objects
Reconciliation points of object
Reduction of the object to a rectangular kind
Replacement of a rectangle of raster
Request of the map object description
Reset the object show state over/under all
Restoring of previously deleted objects
Right angle (creation of object)
Rotation and scaling of objects
Rotation object around of given point
- S -
Save map and agree status of data on disk
Saving current screen position
Saving of a vector map into file of PostScript format
Saving raster map into BMP, PCX, TIFF format file
Saving raster map into JPEG format file
Saving raster map into TIFF format file
Saving raster map to EMF, PDF format file
Saving vector map into file of BMP, TIFF, RSW, PNG, KMZ formats
Scaling a selected point object
Seek point on a contour of object by distance from the beginning
Selected objects processing modes group
Selection of graphic objects by image
Semantics deleting for marked objects
Semantics replacement for marked objects
Semantics statistics of selected objects
Set a border of raster by marked objects
Set a matrix framework by the preset contour
Set a matrix framework on the map object
Set a raster border on the map object
Set current the folowing in chain raster
Set current the previous in chain raster
Set location of group of rasters by one point
Set parameters for building of net
Set raster border on the given contour
Set the indicator of work with sets of objects
Set the palette diapasons of matrix of qualities
Setting a pattern of a matrix name
Setting legend of matrix of layers
Setting the parameters of the output raster
Setting up of palette for matrix of qualities
Setting viewing of video image
Settings file of Talka format (*.PLN)
Shift of the rasters on dX, dY
Smooth (moving of object part)
Source and a format of the labels text
Specify sizes (creation of a circle or a circle of the fixed radius)
Specify sizes (creation of a horizontal or rotated rectangle)
Splitting a multiobject into simple objects
Square objects choice on the contour
Start of WEB-service Kosmosnimki.ru
Starting the WEB-service OpenStreetMap.org
Statistical information on objects of one type
Structure and example of the service text file
Structure and samples of MTRCREA.TXT file
Subpanel "Operations with surfaces"
Subpanel Work with a matrix of height
Subpanel work with matrixes of heights
Subpanel Work with the selected map objects
Subsidiary modes of creation and editing
Supplementary modes of creation
Switching on (switching off) of «right angle» mode («R»)
Switching-off the raster color display
- T -
Take a line of the chosen object («T»)
Text editing of the selected titles
Three-dimensional image of a layers matrix
Three-dimensional image of terrain
To open maps in the client-server mode
To set mode of displaying the metrics of object in the form of a spline
To set register for the text of selected labels
To set the first vertex of the metrics
Transformation of raster on a framework of nomenclature sheet of a map
Transparency of selected object
- U -
Union of selected line objects
Union of selected polygon objects
- V -
Value of layers power in a point
Vector of moving (moving creation of object's copy) («K»)
Vectorization (creation of linear object in a mode of a semi-automatic vectorization) («O»)
Vectorization (creation of linear object in a mode of a semi-automatic vectorization) («Q»)
Vertical line (creation of object)
Vertical line (editing of objects)
View common vertex of two map objects
Viewing the value of specified semantics for all objects
- W -
Way of activating the mode "Move the matrix on dx/dy meters"
Work with the selected map objects
Write selected objects into the report
- Z -
Zoom in area of capture («take line» and «take vertex» modes)
Zoom out area of capture («take line» and «take vertex» modes)