Loading raster data by stream under PLS list

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The mode is intended for loading raster data by stream.

The list of loaded graphic files is specified in PLS file (*.PLS). As a result of procedure execution the works region consisting of loaded rasters is created.

In the given version the loading of graphic files of following formats is supported: BMP, PCX, TIFF, GeoTIFF, JPEG.

Limitations imposed onto initial data:

- Loading files of BMP format. The initial file should have standard structure of Bmp - files Windows or OS2. The limitations onto the image size and color table (graphic palette) are not imposed.

- Loading files of PCX format. The initial file should have standard structure of PCX file. The files with the compressed image are processed. The limitations onto the image size and color table (graphic palette) are not imposed.

- Loading files of TIFF format TIFF. The initial file should have standard structure of TIFF format (version 6.0). The algorithm of image compression PackBit is supported. The limitations onto the image storage mode, onto the image size and color table (graphic palette) are not imposed.

GeoTIFF file should have structure of TIFF format versions 6.0.

Work description of dialogue Loading raster data by stream under PLS list

It is necessary to choose a name of a text file (*.PLS), containing the list of names of graphic files.

Filenames of rasters will automatically be generated.

Choice of a name of a text file (*.PLS) and also change of directory for created rasters are carried out by means of buttons «...».

Compression of image for RSW field is intended for inclusion of image compression option at loading a raster map. Thus the file size of a raster map will be decreased. For unpacking of a raster map use Decompression mode of Raster optimization dialog.

Filling of a magazine LoadRsw.log field is intended to switch on the records of transactions. File LoadRsw.log is placed in a directory of created rasters.


Structure of rasters list file (*.PLS)









FileName LocationX LocationY ElementSize Scale

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

FileName LocationX LocationY ElementSize Scale


Section [DEFAULT] contains parameters by default.

LocationX, LocationY - X and Y are coordinates of the bottom left corner of the bottom left element (pixel) of a raster in region, in rectangular system of coordinates, in units of map (meters);

ElementSize - the size of the image element (pixel) in units of map (meters).

Scale - scale of a raster.

[PICTURES] section - the list of loaded rasters.

In each line of section are specified:

1. file name (obligatory parameter);

2. two numbers - X and Y are coordinates of the bottom left corner of the bottom left element (pixel) of a raster in region, in rectangular system of coordinates, in units of map (meters), (non-obligatory parameters);

3. size of the image element (pixel) in units of map (meters), (non-obligatory parameter);

4. scale of a raster (non-obligatory  parameter).

Parameters which are following in the line after a name of a graphic file, can be absent. In that case the values for them will be taken from  [DEFAULT] section.

At the indication of all raster parameters in a corresponding line, necessity for [DEFAULT] section disappears. It is possible to not write it.

Example of a file:







34_65.pcx 6135708.667 7406656.933 8.47 200000      

34_66.bmp 6135226.067 7404641.867 8.47

34_67.tif 6135526.061 7404941.267


Explanations for example:

For a raster with a name 34_65.pcx all necessary parameters are presented:

LocationX=6135708.667, LocationY=7406656.933, ElementSize=8.47, Scale=200000.

At a raster with a name 34_66.bmp the scale (Scale) is not specified. Value of scale is taken from [DEFAULT] section:

LocationX=6135226.067, LocationY=7404641.867, ElementSize=8.47, Scale=100000.

For other rasters also the missing parameters are borrowed from [DEFAULT] section.

We receive:

34_67.tif - LocationX=6135526.061, LocationY=7404941.267, ElementSize=8.47, Scale=100000.

34_68.jpg - LocationX=6135244.069, LocationY=7404688.678, ElementSize=8.47, Scale=100000.