Object plotting ways on a map

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You can plot (put) objects on a map using Map editor functions. Creating object should be described in map symbols library (digital classifier). There are several ways to put a new object on a map:

1. Basic way is to press button Create of Map Editor panel, to select appropriate object from the library and to plot it on a map. It is recommended object choice to make in the following order:

- Select corresponding map. It is necessary just in case when       there are some user maps included to map list. So you can add object to the «main» map as well to any of user ones. Also all of this maps can have completely different classifiers.

- Select object type. (It is possible to create point, line, polygon, label, etc.):

- Select layer;

- Select object name from Name list;

- Select method of drawing (polyline, rectangle, circle, etc). You can also add object by entring its coordinates from keyboard or to take them from the beforehand created text file. (Creating objects group by coordinates from fileCREATGRUPP);

- Press OK button.

2. Select object from previously created Map Legend and add it to map.

3. If some object of current type already exists you can use Create object with already existing code mode.

4. Make a full copy of existing object with positioning it on a new place.  (Full Copy (duplicate)object).

5. To transfer object from a user map in single or group mode. (See Copying object to user map, copy marked objects to user map sections).

6. Use Map Computer item of menu Tool to create zone around of map object (or user map object) and to save it as map object. (See Building buffer zone section).

7. Create object by merging two source objects (Merging objects).

If you are working with user map, you can add objects, described in map classifier as well as arbitrary lines, polygons, labels. There is no difference between adding objects, described in classifier, to map and to user map. When adding a lot of objects of common type it is recommended to use map legend for speeding things up.