Arbitrary configuration for polygon object

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Points of polygon object of an arbitrary configuration are entered into the moment of release of the left mouse button or Enter key.

If in properties of map editor the option «Trace» is not switched on, then the moving of the cursor at the pressed left mouse button does not lead to creation of new points.

If «Trace» is switched on, then during the moving of the cursor with pressed left mouse button new points will be created with the step equal to value of «Join tolerance» specified in properties of map editor of a map.

During the creation of an object on the map, a dialog for entering the length of the segment is available in the lower part of the map window


When the Specify area and length option is enabled, the length of the segment is interpreted as a distance on the ground.

Object saving is made at the moment of completion of executed operation.

Without dependence from a direction in which the digitizing of object is made, at object's saving it will be installed according to the specified one in the classifier for the given type of objects.

At the moment of activation of a mode an additional panel will appear (if the option «Subsidiary panels» in properties of the map editor is switched on), on which in the form of pictograms auxiliary modes are duplicated which can be made active during creation of object, as well by a choice of corresponding item of the menu emerging on pressing of the right mouse button or on pressing the corresponding «hot» key of the keyboard.




All buttons of the subsidiary panel conditionally can be divided onto three groups:

1.        Switching on, switching off and indication of condition:

- mode of capture of «another's» vertices (take vertex) («K»);

- mode of capture of «another's» lines (take line) («Т»);

- mode of creation of reply vertex («G»);

- mode of a horizontal line («H»);

- mode of a vertical line («V»);

- mode of right angle («R»).

2.        Activation of process:

- input of coordinates of points in the coordinates form («Insert»);

- copy of a vertex of selected object («I»);

- copy of a part of selected object («P»);

- undo («Back»).

3.        Change of parameters:

- zoom in area of capture («+»);

- zoom out area of capture («-»).

Besides, at creation of polygon object of an arbitrary configuration the subsidiary modes, which have been not placed on the subsidiary panel are accessible:

- copy center of line («C»);

- memorize cursor position on a map («M»);

- go to the last point («N»);

- go to the previous point («X»).