Creating calibration points

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med_lscmpcreate The process involves adding calibration points to routes at the specified operator's location.

After activating the mode, you should select a route on the map where the points will be added.

After selecting the route, existing calibration points will be displayed on it. When moving the mouse cursor, it will be connected to the edited route by the shortest distance, and the calculated value of the linear coordinate for the cursor-selected route point will be displayed in the input window.

To add a point, you should indicate a point on the route (left mouse button) and enter the linear coordinate value.

The input is in meters (M) or kilometers (KM) depending on the data input type set in the Map Editor's Service Parameters section.

The entered value is displayed in the parameter input window at the bottom of the main window.

The window is automatically activated when any numeric key on the keyboard is pressed. Additional activation with the mouse cursor is not required. Inputting a value is completed by pressing the Enter key.

If the entered value is outside the range of linear coordinate values for the selected object, a corresponding warning will appear, and the point will not be added.

Upon successful addition, the point will be displayed as a new calibration point.

To save the edited route, press Ctrl+Enter.