Loading Work region

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If you select DIR file as a source file for map, map is loading according to corresponding RCS file and data files (SXF, TXT and MAP). All of them will be aggregated to Work region. Work region file will be named by DIR file name and extension MAP. Name of work region will correspond the name of first SXF file or the name taken from DIR file.

Map is loading using full object list, list of layers or objects, selected by user.

Coordinates data fields should be filled obligatorily. In case of standard map sheets (with known nomenclature) this fields are filled out  automatically. In all other cases you should enter coordinate values manually.

If the charged sheets lie in next zones (for topographical maps), there is a coordinates count in a zone of the first sheet of the  DIR file automatically .

After any program failures invalid records are missed and program tries to process rest of records. Failures related information is stored in LOG-file.

Check of presence entry object codes and possibility of their attributes is doing at data loading.

Error-message is stored in LOG-file if there are errors. Objects of invalid classification code are displaying by red contour line. All invalid attributes are marked by «*»-character. If attribute code is absent in classifier it's code will be displayed instead of name.