Setting up of palette for matrix of qualities

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Palette of a matrix of qualities is formed by the specifying of one or several color intervals. Borders of color intervals are defined by initial (skeletal) colors. Internal colors of an interval can or repeat initial color of an interval, or regularly change from initial color of an interval up to final one.

For setting up a palette of a matrix it is necessary to set the count of colors (from 1 up to 256) in Colors count field of Colors scale group. Further it is necessary to set initial (skeletal) colors by pressing in the top strip of colors of horizontal scrolled groups. Initial colors set boundary colors of intervals of resulting palette. Initial colors are transferred into corresponding positions of resulting palette, other colors of resulting palette are filled by interval depending on a mode: Smooth color modification.

At the switched off mode Smooth color modification internal colors of an interval repeat initial color of an interval. At the switched on mode: Smooth color modification components of intensity of internal colors of an interval evenly change from initial color of an interval up to final one.

After setting up a palette by the specifying of intervals in it it is possible to change single colors. For this purpose in Palette group it is necessary to press the left mouse button on the color, which must be changed. It is necessary to remember that switching on or switching off a mode: Smooth color modification cancels the executed changes of single colors.

The palette of a created matrix of qualities can be loaded from a file of the beforehand created matrix by pressing the button «From a file» in Colors scale group.

The matrix of qualities is displayed by the element. Let the number of palette colors of a matrix is equal N. Then to the values of a matrix elements N ranges will be put into conformity, each of which corresponds to color of a palette. Value of quality of a displayed element is included into this or that range by number of which the color of a palette is selected.

In windows: Minimum, Maximum of Colors scale group it is possible to set the lower and the upper border of displayed values of quality. If both values of the given fields are equal to zero then the lower and the upper borders of displayed values are installed automatically, proceeding from the actual values placed into a matrix. In Precision window of the Colors scale group it is possible to set demanded quantity of signs after a comma at displaying of a minimum, a maximum, the interval size, borders of ranges.