Geodesy Editor
Marking of pickets
Marking of pickets by strip along a line
Marking pickets to the left of a line
Marking pickets to the right of a line
Marking pickets inside of the specified rectangle
Marking pickets inside of the specified area
Marking pickets inside of the specified object
Processing of files of exchange formats
Save object as a theodolitic course
Save selected pickets as polar survey (shooting)
Saving selected objects into one file *.csv
Saving selected objects as multi files *.csv
Save the selected objects to the format MIF/MID
Create point objects from *.txt file
Create point objects from *.csv file
Create linear object from *.csv file
Create polygon object from *.csv file
Saving marked pickets into one file *.xyh
Create objects from *.xyh file
Create objects from *.cxyz file
Saving selected objects into *.TOB file
Creation of linear and polygon objects from *.tob file
Creation of the catalogue of coordinates from file PNT
Automatic creation of objects
Join of stations by sequence
Join of points by the shortest distance
Create convex polygon
Create star-shaped polygon
Create a Voronoi diagram
Construct a triangulation by marked pickets
Alignment of the centers of selected polygons
Geometric constructions on a map
Calculate coordinates (direction corner and distance)
Calculate coordinates (rotary corner and distance)
Calculate coordinates (an angular resection (notch)
Calculate coordinates (linear resection)
Calculate coordinates (linear resection from three stations)
Calculate coordinates (method of normals)
Calculate coordinates (method of stvors)
Calculate coordinates (crossing of stvors)
Create normal on a line
Geodesy calculations
Constructions along object
Route calibration
Placing pickets along the route
Placing segments along a route
Placing pickets along the route using data from a file
Placing pickets along the route with indication of the side according to the data from the file
Creation of lines proportionally to length of object
Linear coordinate system
Constructions in parallel to the object
Building object in parallel (an any choice)
Building object in parallel on distance
Building object in parallel through a point
Building a piece in parallel
Building a dissecting line in parallel
Building a piece in parallel through a point
Building a dissecting line in parallel through a point
To build a zone around of linear object
Modification of geometry of objects
Cutting of linear object on a part on points of the metrics
Increase in polygon
To extend a line (input of distance)
To extend a line (indication by the mouse)
Crossing the polygon
Cutting of the areas
Object intersection calculation
View object intersection
Object intersection control
Dimension labeling
To sign length of a piece
To sign length of a piece (with dimensional line)
To sign size of a sharp or obtuse angle
To sign size of a straight angle
To sign distance between objects
Sign the length of the perpendicular from object to object
To sign the minimal distance between objects
Create and sign a dimension line between objects
To calculate angle and length
Processing of attributes of objects
Get meaning height on object
To request height
Calculation of missing heights of points of a line
Give to the object the value from a matrix
To write down value of H coordinate into semantics
To write down value of semantics into H coordinate
Cutting of matrixes
Union of objects
Numbering of objects, in rows
Formation of reports
Create schema objects and filling the report
Filling a report for an object
To insert in WORD the picture of selected fragments of map
To print the summary report on the allocated objects
To print the report under the metrics of object in EXCEL
Layout of the land plot on the cadastral plan
Formation of outlines of rotary points
Formation of outlines of control points
To print the protocol of GPS-measurements
Building a road profile
Rules for drafting templates
Preparation of plans and designs
Automatic filling of semantics of the selected objects
Carrying over of semantics to the selected objects
Shorten line (distance input)
Sign the shortest distance to selected features
To create a set: section and its external contours
Partition of the set: the site and its external contours
To build profile of a linear construction
To generate out-of-frame representation of DCM (duty cadastral map)
To generate the SCHEME on semantics of object
To generate the SCHEME of object and open it in current window
Change of indexing of points of object
Creation of titles of rotary points of object
Appearance of section by borders lines
Creation of the title of name and area of object
Creation of titles of coordinates of rotary points of object
Creation of titles of geodetic coordinates of rotary points of object
Creation of title of object length
Creation of scheme of base stations on object in a separate window
To keep the image of the allocated fragments of a map
To save the image for a graphic part of the land-plan
Earth and underground communication plan
Control communication object attributes
Apply communications objects
Export to GML
Floor Plan Editor
Search by cadastral number or address
Information from the State Real Estate Cadastre
Parameters of geodesy editor
Exit from geodesy editor