Processing of attributes of objects

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ic_0024 Modes of the panel Processing of attributes of objects are intended for processing objects with the 3D-metrics (X, Y, H) and executions of group operations with semantics of the objects received as a result of field measurements. For these purposes in the geodetic editor the following modes are stipulated:  


ic_0101 - get to the object the value from matrix;

ic_0102 - to write down value of Н coordinate into semantics;

ic_0103 - write down the value of semantics into H coordinate;

нумерация объектов - numbering of objects, from west to east, in rows, from north to south;

сшить объекты - union of objects;

ic_8383 - addition of the set value of the indicated attribute to all marked objects;

ic_0088 - object intersection calculation;

ic_0089 - view object intersection;

ic_0090 - object intersection control.