Search by cadastral number or address

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clip0217 The mode Search by cadastral number or address is intended to find the location on the map for the address specified by the user or cadastral number. Input of the address or cadastral number is carried out in dialog.




To search, you need to specify the address or cadastral number and click the Find button. If the search is successful, the map image will be moved to the desired point. You can search either on the map or by making a request to the Unified State Register of Real Estate (EGRN). To do this, you need to select the appropriate search source.


The following conditions must be met for the mode to function:

— the map must support conversion to geodetic parameters;

— the computer must have access to the Internet.


If the search source is the map, then the search by cadastral number is performed based on the semantics of the map objects "Cadastral Number" (code 1001, key KADNUM). Otherwise, a request is made to the EGRN.

If data EGRN is selected as the search source, requests are sent to the State Cadastre of Real Estate (GKN) database. After the search is completed, a window titled Information from the State Cadastre of Real Estate appears on the screen with information about the searched object.

If Yandex is selected as the search source, requests are sent to Yandex's database. Please note that access to the Yandex geocoder is only available if the user has an API key; see Terms of Use for Certain Yandex.Maps Services.


Please note that violation of licensing conditions may lead to blocking by IP address.