- A -
Addition of data into references and classifiers
Administration of access rights
Allowing access to system resources
Assigning rights to users in the software «Passport of the field»
Automatic creating the passports of fields
- B -
- C -
Creating a new user on the database server
Creation of the title of name and area of object
Creation of title of object length
Creation of users and assigning the rights to them
- D -
Description of the main window of the program
Dissection of the object by a line
- E -
- F -
- G -
Give to the object the value from a matrix
- I -
Import of GPS-coordinates in format NMEA 0183
Import of the data from exchange files
Import of vector map from Polish format
- J -
Join of points by the shortest distance
- L -
Load coordinates from file Microsoft Office Excel (*.XLS)
Load data from cadastre of realty XML
Loading coordinates from a text file
Loading of files of way-points, routes, tracks from OziExplorer
Loading of way-points and routes from Magellan Explorist
- M -
- O -
Order of maintaining the passports of fields
- P -
Parameters of satellite monitoring
- R -
Report by the selected objects
- S -
Separation of organizations between groups of users
- T -
To build a zone around of linear object
To save the image for a graphic part of the land-plan
- U -
- V -
Viewing matrixes of vegetation indexes
Viewing values of matrixes in a point
- W -
- Z -
Пакетное получение матриц вегетационных индексов
Получение доступа к внешнему источнику данных
Получение матриц вегетационных индексов
Получение усредненных значений NDVI