Splitting objects by lists

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splitset The mode is designed for splitting areal objects into parts by the contours of reference objects. Areal, linear closed and unclosed objects can be used as reference objects. When splitting multipolygons, the split parts of objects are written as simple areal objects. By default, the metric of the reference objects is consistent with the editable ones: intersection points are inserted into the reference objects. If there is no need to edit the metric of reference objects, the matching of reference objects can be disabled.




The order of execution on the example of splitting of areal forests into forest blocks according to the list of roads and forests:

1.        Select roads and forests on the map using the mode Search - Search and mark, or the mode Search - Mark by image.

2.        Save the selected objects as a list: Search - Lists of objects. Enter the conditional name of the list «Roads» and save the list.

3.        Disable selected objects: Search - Undo marking.

4.        Select areal forests on the map and save the selected objects as a «Forests» list.

5.        Open the dialog for splitting objects: Tools - Map editor - Cut and combine - Splitting objects by lists. Select the list of reference objects «Roads», the list of editable objects «Forests» and click the «Run» button.