- A -
Automated displacement of buildings
Automated passages axises forming
- B -
- C -
Checking of adjacent sheets objects
- D -
Deleting of buildings which have been not expressed on the map scale
- F -
Formation of the map nomenclature sheet for a derived scale
Formation of the passport for the nomenclature sheet
- G -
Generalization of hydrography and hydraulic engineering constructions
Generalization parameters setup
- I -
Interactive analysis of quality of output map
Interactive creation of densely built-up parts of quarter
Interactive editing of passages axises
Interactive editing the passages and quarters
Interactive expansion (creation) of quarters
- M -
Moving objects with a dragging to a border
- O -
Order of setup of generalization parameters by the editor of region
Order of setup of generalization parameters by the operator
- P -
Preliminary preparation of source data
Processing of point objects with absolute elevation
Processing of square hydrography objects (rivers)
- Q -
- S -
Setting the boundaries of rivers visibility
Smoothing of topologically related objects
Specifying the bounds of roads visibility
- T -
- U -