- A -
Adding into the project of database tables
Addition of user's forms into the project
- B -
- C -
Call of BDE Administrator or ODBC Manager
Change of database table structure
Common properties of components
Configuring ODBC to access the database Access (*.mdb)
Configuring ODBC to access the database MS SQL Server
Configuring ODBC to access the database Visual FoxPro, FoxPro, (*.dbf, *.dbc)
Configuring ODBC to access the document Excel (*.xls)
Configuring ODBC to access the text files (*.txt, *.csv)
Control of the external database
Creation and editing of thematic sections
Creation and usage of macroses
Creation of the database alias
- D -
DB List - classifier and DB lookup combobox - classifier
DB Panel of records editing (DB workpanel)
- E -
Example of creation of user form with use of the several linked tables
- F -
Form is the main component of the application
- G -
- I -
- L -
Link of map objects with record of data table
Links of map object with the user's form
- M -
Main concepts about database tables
Main information about SQL language
- O -
Operator choice (Operator combobox)
- P -
- Q -
- S -
Setting parameters of table displaying
Standard form for operations with tables
- T -
- U -
Use of 'hot' keys at work with the list
- V -
- W -
What is the ODBC data source and where to find it to configure