Creation and editing of objects

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The Objects tab allows you to create, delete objects and change their characteristics: code, layer, localization, display and visibility of objects, semantics assignment and a series of objects.




Modes of working with classifier objects



Creating new object

Creating a new object based on the first selectable object. The fields are automatically filled in: name, code, key and alias.


Copying mark object

Creation of a new object with copying of all properties of the selected object.

The fields are automatically filled in: name, code, key and alias.


Deleting object

Deleting the selected object.


Save object

Saving an object. Changes are saved on all sub-tabs of object characteristics.


Clasifiers editor

Clasifiers editor


Object group of classifier editing


Creating/Editing a group of objects.

Button type:

- the selected object is in the series

- the selected object is not in the series


Creating copy of group object

Copying all objects in the series to which the selected object belongs. After copying, the Object group of classifier editing dialog opens automatically to make changes.

Only available for a series of objects.


Deleting group object

Deleting all objects in the series to which the selected object belongs.

Only available for a series of objects.



Filter objects by layers, localizations and additional object parameters.



Calling up help


Basic object properties


Object name.

Short name

Short name of the object (31 characters).


Code of the object. The code is not recorded if the code is null or the field is not filled in, or the code matches the code of another object (of the same localization), or the code is standard (1000000000).

Symbolic code

Symbolic code.

Type (localization)

Type of the object. When you change the localization of an object, the screen and printer view changes to the default one.


Key of the object. The length does not exceed 31 characters. The object key must be unique.


Object layer.


Object class.


For a series of objects, the fields Code, Symbol code, Type, Layer , Class and characteristics in the subtab Semantics can be changed only in the Object group of classifier editing mode. These characteristics are protected from changes when working with a separate object.




Object parameters




Printer view

Tab Printer

Screen view

Tab Display


Tab Semantics

Visibility limits

Tab Scale

Additional properties

Tab Properties

3D view

Tab 3D


Additional parameters


Filter of classifier objects

Table of objects

Search for objects by characteristics