Clasifiers editor

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To work in the mode Clasifiers editor, it is necessary to go to the Objects tab and select objects for joint editing as follows.

If the object table displays only types of object signs, then the current object can be selected by simultaneously pressing Ctrl + left mouse button.




If the object table is presented in a tabular form, then the selection of objects is made by checking the box in the far left column of the table.




Clicking the Reset Selected Objects button 333333 resets the selected objects or, if none are selected, highlights all filtered objects. After selecting the objects, it is necessary to click the Editing Selected Objects button 44444. Only the selected objects remain in the object table.




It is possible to transfer all selected objects to another layer or class, assign them a common name, edit visibility scales, add, delete, change the status of semantics, and edit properties such as digitization direction, limits of sign size changes, and others. In this mode, just like without it, the properties of the currently selected object are displayed. However, when editing any property, it is edited for all selected objects. If a property is highlighted with a yellow background or has different values, it means that it differs among the selected objects. Properties that cannot be edited at once for all selected objects are locked from editing.

You can save the edited properties of all selected objects by clicking the Save button button_save. If there is no saving, when moving to another object or exiting the mode, a question about the need to save will be prompted. You can exit the editing mode by releasing the Editing Selected Objects button.


Two-dimensional and three-dimensional views of objects do not have common editing for selected objects.

A new series of objects can be created based on the selected objects. To do this, select the necessary objects and click the Object group of classifier editing mode button 11111 or 222222, if the current selected object already belongs to a series. The objects are copied with a new common external code, new keys, and common semantics, which includes all the semantics of the selected objects.

To work in the mode Clasifiers editor, go to the Objects tab and select objects for joint editing as follows. If the object table only displays types of object signs, you can select the current object by simultaneously pressing Ctrl + left mouse button.