Object semantic editing

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Semantics are the descriptive characteristics of a map object. Editing the semantics of the selected object is done on the Objects tab, Semantics subtab.




The Semantics sub tab presents a list of semantics assigned to describe the selected object in the form of a tale of 3 columns: code, semantics name and text. These fields are not editable. The Code and Name fields contain the corresponding semantic characteristics. The Text field contains the view of title-object, if assigned, for automatically creating titles on the map based on the semantics of the object (see below the Assign a text by semantics mode).




Semantics in the table are displayed in different colors: black - possible, burgundy - required, blue - affecting the view.

By clicking on the header of one of the columns, you can organize (sort) the semantics: by code, name and purpose of titles, respectively.



Semantics sorting can be performed using the Sorting menu that pops up by right-clicking on the following criteria: code, name, order in the classifier, assigned signature, use in IML, by importance.




For semantics of the formula type, the Latin letter F is added into the code field. For semantics, which is used to form a programmable type of object sign from the IML library, the Latin letter I is added.

Toolbar modes for working with object semantics:

- add button_plas;

- delete button_delete;

- assign mandatory/possible button_mustsem button_possiblesem;

- change order button_order1 button_order2;

- assign a signature by semantics ic_8276;

- add selected semantics button_addselsem (the button is visible only for several selected objects with the enabled mode Show only selected objects button_selprop).

To add semantics to an object, click the Add semantics button_plas button. This opens a dialog for selecting semantics from the full list of classifier semantics.  

To delete semantics, you need to select the required semantics and use the button Delete semantics (does not affect the view) button_delete. You cannot remove semantics that affect the view or are mandatory. In this case, you need to remove the mandatory attribute from the semantics and delete the series, if there are any.

You can make the selected semantics mandatory for filling in an object by clicking the button Make semantics mandatory button_mustsem. In this case, the button will change its appearance to Assign semantics possible button_possiblesem for this semantic.




You can change the order of object semantics in the classifier for the selected semantics using the buttons button_order1 button_order2. In this case, the semantics move up or down the list in the table, respectively. The buttons of this mode may be inactive if semantics sorting is specified. To reset sorting, you need to call the Sorting menu that pops up using the right button (see description above) and select By order in the classifier.


The Assign signatures by semantics mode is used to assign signature parameters that are used to automatically create signatures on the map in the task Creation of label by object semantics. When this mode is selected, the Choice of titles for signatures on the semantics of objects dialog box appears.




You can also call this dialog by double-clicking the left mouse button in the Text column.

When editing several selected objects in the Properties of selected objects mode button_selprop, the Add selected semantics button_addselsem mode button becomes visible. If semantics is not assigned for all selected objects, then it is highlighted in yellow background color. To assign it to all selected objects, it is enough to select the desired semantics and press the button of this mode.




When working with a list of selected objects in the Properties of selected objects mode, all actions with semantics are performed for all selected objects, respectively.

Selecting the Include common semantics check box adds semantics common to all classifier objects for editing.

Minimum, Default and Maximum fields make it possible to view and edit the corresponding characteristics of the selected semantics.


Saving the changes of semantics is made at transition to other object in the table of objects with corresponding request about necessity of preservation  or when you click the Save button_save button on the object editing toolbar.