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Map Contents ic_8013

To set displaying objects parameters


Show all objects

Display of all map objects without taking into account the range of objects visibility and the composition of the map display


Selected objects

Setting the composition of displayed map objects based on selected objects


Map image

To change displaying form of a vector map

Sea map view


Matrix image

To set matrix displaying parameters


TIN-model image

TIN- model image


Matrix smoothing

Raster-matrix data with smoothing

List of rasters ic_8014

Raster list

List of matrices ic_8015

List of matrices

TIN-models list ic_8016

List models

User maps list ic_8017

List of user maps


Geoportal list


Exretnal resources

View of Google Earht ic_7859

View of ic_7860

View in ic_7861

View in ic_7862


Raster shutter

Raster shutter

Grid view ic_8018

Grid view

Grid parameters ic_8019

Change grid parameters


Embedded Objects list

List of OLE-objects

List of cuts


Embedded Objects

To show embedded documents

To hide embedded documents


Documents type  

Displaying documents in a normal or schematic view