Subsidiary modes of creation and editing

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Majority of modes of map editor have the subsidiary modes facilitating execution of this or that action.

At activation of any mode of map editor all subsidiary modes accessible to it are located into the menu emerging by pressing of the right mouse button. To make active a subsidiary mode it is possible also by pressing of a corresponding «hot» key of the keyboard.

At the description of «hot» keys the letters of the latin alphabet are implied.

Pressing of some hot keys for different modes means activation of different processes. For example, pressing of Insert key in a mode of editing of a vertex means transition into a mode of an insert of vertices, and for modes of creation - activation of dialogue of creation and editing of the metrics of map object.

At start of some modes in the bottom part of a window there is a subsidiary panel on which in the form of functional buttons the activation of corresponding subsidiary modes is appeared.

If necessary it is possible to switch off use of subsidiary panels in properties of map editor.

«A» - mode of editing of adjacently vertices (editing vertices).

«B» - on object (creation of point and vector objects).

«C» - copy center of line.

«D» - changing direction of a digitizing (revert) (creation of line objects).

«E» - ellipse (creation of a circle or a circle of arbitrary radius).

«F» - arbitrary line (cancelling of modes «H», «V», «R», «K», «T»).

«G» - mode of creation of reply vertex.

«H» - horizontal line (editing of objects).

«H» - horizontal line (creation of objects).

«I» - copy of a vertex of selected object.

«J» - take line mode.

«K» - mode of capture of «another's» vertices (take vertex) (creation of objects, editing of vertex).

«K» - vector of moving (moving, creation of a copy of object).

«L» - close line.

«N» - capture a grid node.

«O» - vectorization (creation of linear object in a mode of a semi-automatic vectorization).

«P» - copy of a part of selected object.

«Q» - vectorization (creation of linear object in a mode of a semi-automatic vectorization).

«R» - right angle (creation of objects).

«S» - smooth (moving of object part).

«S» - specify sizes (creation of a circle or a circle of the fixed radius).

«S» - specify sizes (creation of a horizontal or rotated rectangle).

«T» - take a line of the chosen object.

«U» - add line object.

«V» - vertical line (editing of objects).

«V» - vertical line (creation of objects).

«W» - snap at shortest distance.

«X» - filter (moving of object part).

«Y» - creation of constrained subobject (creation of line objects).

«Space» - creation of free subobject (creation of line objects).

«+» - zoom in area of capture (capture of another's lines and vertices).

«-» - zoom out area of capture (capture of another's lines and vertices).

«Insert» - mode of insert at editing vertices.

«Insert» - dialog of creation and editing of the object's metrics.

«Delete» - delete vertex.

«Back» - undo.

End points in line

Snap to Peaks on the DEM