Vertical interval of relief

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The value of the Vertical interval of relief (m) field for a topographic map with a constant contour interval is taken from the passport of the first sheet of the area. If not present in the passport, it is taken from the control scheme.

When controlling a topographic map with variable contour intervals, the Vertical interval of relief (m) field should contain triplets of numbers defining variable contour intervals for specified elevation ranges,

for example: -150 500 10  500 2000 20  2000 8000 50,



–150(min)  500(max)  10(interval),

500(min)  2000(max)  20(interval)

2000(min) 8000(max) 50(interval).


When controlling absolute elevations of an overview-geographic map according to specified elevation values, the Vertical interval of relief (m) field should contain a list of permissible contour line elevations,

for example: 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 1500 2000,

where 10, 20, 50, 100 … — are permissible contour line elevations.


When controlling isobaths of a topographic or overview-geographic map according to specified depth values, the Vertical interval of relief (m) field should contain a list of permissible isobath depths,

for example: 2 5 10 20 50 100 150 200,


where 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, … — are permissible isobath depth values.