- A -

Adding into the project of database tables

Addition of user's forms into the project

ADO Components

ADO Connection

ADO Query

ADO Table

Auto link mode

- B -



- C -


Call of BDE Administrator or ODBC Manager

Change of database table structure


Common properties of components

Components of data access

Components of data control

Components of designing

Configuring ODBC to access the database MS SQL Server

Configuring ODBC to access the text files (*.txt, *.csv)

Control of the external database

Creation and editing of thematic sections

Creation and usage of macroses

Creation of a new project

Creation of database table

Creation of SQL - query

- D -

Data module

Database administrator


DB Date/Time

DB Grid

DB image

DB Indexes list

DB List

DB List - classifier and DB lookup combobox - classifier

DB Lookup combobox

DB Memo-field

DB Navigator

DB Objects grid

DB Panel of records editing (DB workpanel)

DB query

DB Text

DB_Edit (string)

DBase table

Detail table

- E -

Editing of the table

Editor of a logical field

Enhanced filter

Enhanced geocoding

Example of creating a userform using the «Macro List» component

Example of creation of user form with use of the several linked tables

- F -

Fields editor

Filtering by expression

Filtering by range

Filtering of records

Form constructor

Form is the main component of the application

- G -

General information

General rules

Geocoding mode

Group box

- I -


- L -

Link of map objects with record of data table

Links of map object with the user's form

- M -

Macros list

Main concepts

Main concepts about database tables

Main information about SQL language

Mode of link cancellation

- O -

Object inspector

Open (close) the table

Operations in forms editor

Operator choice (Operator combobox)

- P -

Page control (Bookmarks)


Parameterized query

Print of the reports

- Q -

Queries to database tables

Query builder

Query editor

- S -

Save query into table

Search of records

Setting parameters of table displaying


Simple filter


Standard form for operations with tables

String with mask

- T -

Table properties


- U -

Update of semantics

Update table by semantic

Use of 'hot' keys at work with the list

- V -

Value editing

Viewing and editing DBM-map data

Viewing attributes of objects from external sources of data

Viewing data from «1C: Enterprise» and other HTTP services

- W -

What is the ODBC data source and where to find it to configure

Work panel