Technology of generalization
Generalization parameters setup
Formation of the map nomenclature sheet for a derived scale
Formation of the passport for the nomenclature sheet
Moving objects with a dragging to a border
Smoothing of topologically related objects
Uniting objects along common borders
Interactive analysis of quality of output map
Mathematical grid making
Objects recoding
Support points generalization
Generalization of hydrography and hydraulic engineering constructions
Quarters generalisation
Built-up area generalization
Automated passages axises forming
Setting type of passage
Automated passages forming
Automated quarters making
Automated displacement of buildings
Deleting of buildings which have been not expressed on the map scale
Isolines generalization
Processing of isolines
Processing of bergstrichs
Processing of isoline titles
Processing of point objects with absolute elevation
Generalization of small objects (generalization of industrial, agricultural and socio-cultural objects)
Checking of adjacent sheets objects
Specifying the bounds of roads visibility
Setting the boundaries of rivers visibility