General check of a map

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The general check of a map is intended for check of structural integrity of digital data, completeness and quality of the metric and semantic description of objects.

The task is carried out in an automatic mode.

Types of the checking a vector map are shared into following groups:

- structural check of data;

- check of the passport of a map sheet;

- check of the metrics;

- check of semantics;

- topological check (check of the reconciliation) of data;

- additional types of check.

All types of the check and their parameters, which are performed with respect to the vector map, are grouped into the check scheme.

Error messages are entered into the protocol.

Viewing the results of the control is carried out in a mode of the map editor «View error» in the GIS «Map 2011» or in «Panorama - Editor» of version 11.

The summary report on results of an execution of quality check of DTM is formed in the form of document MS Word.

Before start of the program it is recommended to close MS Word. It is not recommended to open MS Word during an execution of the program. At working with MS Word during the program the reporting document can be written not completely. Other open Word-document can be munged.