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ici_9115 Button is a command element, is used to give commands onto execution of definite functional operations. On a surface the button can contain the text and / or a picture (icon).

Properties of the component are the followings: Caption, Font, Height, Hint, Left, Name, Show hint, Top, Width.

Glyph - defines the raster image of the button. The dialogue for image choice is used, which one allows to load or to save the loaded image in the BMP format.

Glyph number - image amount is indicated. By default the property has value "1" and the first image always is used for displaying on the button. Each button can contain four images maximum. Which of them is displaying in the given moment it depends from a state of the button.

Layout - defines the image (glyph) position on the button and can accept following values: Glyph left (by default), Glyph right, Glyph top, Glyph bottom.

Macros name - reference to one of macroses created in Data Administrator  (bookmark "Macroses").