Page control (Bookmarks) |
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Properties of a component are the followings: Height, Left, Name, Top, Width, Show hint, Align, Font. Page control - defines quantity of bookmarks (pages) and their name and represents the list of strings used for creation of Page control . At addition of new string to the list a new bookmark automatically is created with this name. Active bookmark - defines a selected bookmark, and together with it and active page displayed atop of other pages. At development of the application only the caption of active page is displayed as value of property. Bookmarks style (Tab style) - sets the imaging style of a component and can receive following values: standard bookmark of volumetric style (by default), bookmark in the buttons style, bookmark in the style of plane buttons. If the Page control looks like buttons the component hasn't frame bounding the page. If necessary the user should itself limit area of a control element by bookmarks. For this purpose it is possible to use the Panel component. Bookmarks orientation (Tab position) - defines location of pages in different places of a notebook and can receive following values: top (by default), bottom, left, right. For change of property Tab position it is necessary to set Tabs value for property Tab style. Multi line - defines, whether the bookmarks can be displayed as several lines. If the property matters No (by default), the bookmarks are output by one line, and if they do not find room in one line, arrows appear in a right part of the control element, by using of which the scrolling of bookmarks may be done. If the property matters Yes, the bookmarks can be displayed in several lines. Each bookmark represents a separate component, which name is displayed in the components names list of Object inspector. The bookmark can represent itself as a container (parent) for visual components, including a component "Bookmarks (Page control)". Properties of a bookmark are the followings: Name, Caption, Hint, Show hint, Highlight (will be used for marking a bookmark by color). Note 1: for setting of property Tab position it is required that the property Tab style should have Tabs value. Note 2: for setting of property Tab style it is required that the property Tab position should have Top value.