Atlas of maps


Atlas of maps is intended for simplification of transition between overlapped maps of different scale. Physically the atlas is a user map in Mercator projection, containing borders of works regions sheets with service semantics.

Atlas of maps is presented in the form of a tree of projects group. The structure of projects group includes the works regions - vector, raster and matrix maps, and also projects of maps (MPT).

For inclusion of works regions into the Atlas of maps it is necessary to choose existing or to create new group of projects _engbm176. The name of projects group is formed automatically, for example, «Group of projects1 », and can change. Then to add region of works _engbm162. Added works regions should support geodetic coordinates (in any projection). Regions of works in local system of coordinates or maps having type "undefined", should not be added into the atlas. At addition the works regions are automatically allocated by scale and by data type (Map, Matrix, Rasters and Projects of maps), i.e. in group of projects the same folders with scale and data type are created.


The example of projects tree is shown in figure :



The priority of a choice of works region within one scale is formed automatically. It is written down in the beginning of the name of works region (<1>, <2>, etc.) and changes by dragging the chosen element in a tree by mouse.For marking group of works regions on the scheme it is necessary to put "tick" by means of an element _engbm175 by pressing of the left mouse button or to use a mode _engbm163 Mark regions on scheme which allows to process some works regions. Color of regions marking  is specified on View bookmark.

The button _engbm164is applied to deleting the works region. The group of works regions is deleted by means of the button _engbm165.

Opening of works region occurs by double pressing on it in a tree or by pressing the button _engbm166.

Into the scheme of allocation of works regions it is possible to add a background map _engbm167, to switch on and switch-off its display _engbm168.

Print of the scheme of allocation of works regions is carried out by means of a mode _engbm169 Print atlas fragment. To print a fragment it is necessary to use a mode _engbm170 Select atlas fragment.

The mode _engbm171 Check is intended for check of works regions in the atlas of maps. Removed from a disk or works regions, moved to another folder, will be marked by grey color in a tree.

Search of works regions by name is carried out in the bottom part of Atlas of maps dialog. If to conditions of search some works regions correspond the button Go to a next element becomes active and specifies quantity of the found coincidences. For transition to next works region it is necessary to press the button Go to next element, containing number of current region and number of the found regions (for example «1/4»).

Management of structure of works region and its displaying on a map are carried out in a tree Structure of works region. Here it is possible to add the user, matrix, raster maps and, accordingly, to exclude them from structure of works region.

Display of data changes by means of double pressing the left mouse button on an element of a tree - updating the image of works region (map) occurs at once, or by put "ticks" with the subsequent pressing the button _engbm172 Update.

_engbm163Visibility reset mode allows to set/reset the "ticks" at all structure of works region.

The structure of works region represents a set of groups. Group «Main map» is created automatically into which the main map of work region is placed. Other data, by default, are placed into «Group1». Groups are added by means of the button _engbm176 and their names can be renamed. Data may be dragged from one group into another. Plural data processing in a tree is accessible.

Parameters bookmark is intended for displaying properties of works region.

View bookmark is intended for work with a graphic image and the scheme of allocation of works region.

The works region chosen in a tree is marked on the scheme. Color of a frame of current region is specified on View bookmark. Similarly, it is possible to choose region on the scheme and it will be illuminated in a tree. Whereas in a point some regions of works can be simultaneously located then at the subsequent pressing the rechoice of works region in the given point will be carried out.

For moving the scheme of allocation of works regions it is necessary to move a mouse with the pressed left button. When the button is released, the scheme will be redrawn in new position.

Scaling the image of works region is carried out by means of buttons _engbm173_engbm174 , or keys <>.

At work with a map it is possible to execute transition to other map having larger or smaller scale and hitting on the same site of district.  

For transition to other map it is possible to use items of the menu Window \ Go to.  

Transition is carried out by geodetic coordinates of the center of an active window. Thus, other window with the chosen map opens. The map, with which you worked before this, is not closed. For transition only those maps are chosen which were placed into the atlas. During work with the GIS it is possible to open different atlases of maps.