Setup of geo-coverage matrixes file crsregister.xml

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This file contains a list of published matrixes and projections.

The <SupportedMatrix> node specifies the list of matrixes to be used.

Name – unique name of the matrix.

EPSG – projection of published data.


PointX, PointY – coordinates of the matrix anchor point in the specified projection.

ScaleDenominator – list of supported scales and approximations for the current matrix.

TileSize – tile size for the matrix in pixels. By default, the tile size is 256x256 pixels.

The GlobalCRS84Scale, GlobalCRS84Pixel, GoogleCRS84Quad, GoogleMapsCompatible matrixes are generally accepted for the OGC WMTS standard and it is not recommended to change their parameters; you can only exclude them from the list of published matrixes by deleting the entire Matrix node.

All other matrixes can be set by the administrator and their parameters are selected at his discretion (including the values of the ScaleDenominator scale factor).


VEGA-PRO service