Calculation of reserves of solid minerals

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mineral The task Calculation of reserves of solid minerals is intended to assess the reserves of minerals in a warehouse, or mineral resources in the development of deposits by open pit. The task calculates the volume and weight of a mineral within the selected area of calculation using the matrix of heights of the surface of the selected area of the warehouse or deposit on the ground.

The task makes it possible to estimate the reserves of a deposit during its operation in order to plan and manage the extraction of minerals, and also allows taking into account changes in reserves as a result of their growth or production.


Dialog view:




Initial data:

- type of mineral;

- minimum and maximum volumetric weight of the mineral;

- data of heights of the surface of the deposit area (mtl, mtl, mtl, tin files);

- absolute height of the lower level of the mineral;

- calculation step;

- specified calculation area.


The type of mineral for calculation is specified in the «Minerals» list. There is a possibility of changing the volumetric weight of the selected mineral, and also possibility of addition and deleting of the list elements.

Terrain heights data determines the surface's configuration of the calculation area. The resulting volume is calculated within the specified calculation area using the surface's heights of the deposit and the heights of the bottom level of the mineral.

The height of the lower level can be set in the corresponding field or using the «Select point on map» button.

Calculation step can be set in the corresponding field, by default, the value of a step is equal to the size of an element of elevations matrix of a deposit surface.

The calculation area is set using the buttons in the «Calculation area» group.


Output data:

- numerical values of the calculated volume in cubic meters and weight in tons of a given mineral.