Assessment of accuracy of matrix on map objects

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ic_8160 The task «Assessment of accuracy of matrix on map objects» is intended for determining quality of a matrix relative to objects of a vector map. The mode can be executed at presence of matrix of heights MTW and the open vector map.

The assessment of quality of a matrix is performed on the point objects of a vector map, having in semantics and-or in the metrics the values of absolute height. Results of an execution are displayed in the table. Into column DH the absolute difference of heights between a map and a matrix is written down. To sort this column in ascending order of values, it is necessary to enable the option «Sorting».




For search on a map of object from the table it is necessary to press button «Show» or to put a mouse button on the line with required object. Thus, the map will move so that the object of search will be in the center of the screen.

«Save» button is intended for writing into a text file the contents of the table.