Translating classifier

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To get started, select the Dictionary file. This file is a text file and can have the CSV or TXT extension. Each line must contain the original and new names, separated by the «;» or a tab character. If the file contains erroneous lines, they will be highlighted in red color and will not be taken into account when updating the classifier.

Then you need to select a classifier intended for translating names. When opening the classifier, a question is asked about the need to add the dictionary. It is recommended to execute dictionary addition.  After opening the classifier, in the table the lines intended for replacement of names in the classifier will be highlighted by blue-gray color. The correspondence between the names of the dictionary and the classifier is carried out according to the Original name. When searching for a correspondence, a complete matching of names is taken into account, regardless of case. If the fields New name and New short name contain empty lines, then the corresponding original names in the classifier will not change. If you need to fill in empty fields, you must save the dictionary as a CSV table and edit the file (see Dictionary creation).

To change the classifier, press the Save classifier button. In this case, the original names of layers, objects and semantics of the classifier will be changed to new ones, taking into account the case of the symbols specified in the new names.