Dictionary creation

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The dictionary is a table in CSV text format that corresponds to the table fields in the dialog. To create a dictionary you need:

-  open the RSC classifier file: press the «...» button in the Map classifier line. To supplement the dictionary, sequentially open the available classifiers;

-  save the dictionary as a CSV table: click the Save dictionary button. Each line will contain the corresponding names from the dialog table, separated by the symbol «;» (semicolon);

-  open a CSV dictionary file in MS Excel or in a text editor. When opening in MS Excel, it is recommended to sort alphabetically by the first column;

-  fill in new names in the 2nd and 4th columns. It is forbidden to edit the 1st column - this record is used to search for a name in the original classifier;

-  save the dictionary as a text file: click the Office button - Save As - Other formats - File type - Unicode text, specify the name of the saved file, confirm the removal of incompatible features when saving.

The resulting file will contain a ready-made dictionary for translating the names of the classifier. Each line will contain the corresponding titles, separated by a tab character.

To update several dictionaries by one classifier, you must:

-  open RSC classifier file;

-  save the dictionary as a CSV table: press the Save dictionary button;

-  select a dictionary file: press the "..." button in the Dictionary file line;

-  add names from the current classifier: press the button Download from classifier;

-  save the dictionary as a CSV table.