Work with objects from lists

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ic_0234 The mode is intended for work with objects from the lists file.

For work you must select following: a map for allocation of results, two objects list (better various), type of executed operation (intersection, combination, intersection of combinations) and types of resultant objects.

The total of the work are the recreated definitely objects.

When objects are created by Intersection type the object built by intersection of object from 1 list with object from 2 lists will be as an output object. The resultant object will have following type:

- if two area objects intersect it will be an area object;

- if area objects  intersect with linear objects it will be both area and linear objects;

- if two linear closed objects intersect it will be two linear non-closed objects;

- if two linear non-closed objects intersect then the object - outcome will not be built.


When objects are created by Combination type the objects of both lists will be as output objects, thus the intersected or tangent one another objects will be joint in one object. Only area objects are processing.

When objects are created by Intersection of combinations type those objects will be as output objects, which are obtained at first by intersection of objects of 1 list with objects of 2 list, and  then  the intersected or tangent one another objects will be joint in one object.




In the «Join tolerance» field, the value is specified for comparing the coordinates of objects when performing operations of crossing and union.

To perform operations with uncoordinated objects it is recommended to increase the join tolerance.

It is possible to check objects from lists for coordination in the mode: Map Editor - Topology - Common Vertex.