File of a raster binding.TAB (MapInfo)

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The raster images registered in MapInfo, are delivered together with TAB file.

From help of MapInfo system:

« In order that MapInfo showed the raster image in the correct image, together with vector data atop of it, it is necessary to do registration of the image. Registration may be done in dialog «Registration of the image». Here you define coordinates of binding points (points of placing), and also type of a projection of the raster image ».

For an automatic binding of the raster image in our program it is necessary for you to specify corresponding TAB file at loading a raster. The program was tested on TAB files of the following versions: 300, 450, 950.

Example of a file of a raster binding .TAB (MapInfo) without the indication of data on a projection of the raster image:


! table

! version 300

! charset WindowsCyrillic


Definition Table

 File "3325.tif"

 Type "RASTER"

 (33000,25000 (0,3934) Label "Point 1",

 (34000,25000 (0,0) Label "Point 2",

 (34000,26000 (3936,0) Label "Point 3",

 (33000,26000 (3936,3936) Label "Point 4"

 CoordSys NonEarth Units "m"

 Units "m"


Example of a file of a raster binding .TAB (MapInfo) with the indication of data on a projection of the raster image:


! table

! version 300

! charset WindowsLatin1


Definition Table

 File "222.tif"

 Type "RASTER"

 (444041.9,6085484 (0,0) Label "Point 1",

 (521125.1,6085484 (3816,0) Label "Point 2",

 (444041.9,6011633 (0,3656) Label "Point 3",

 (521125.1,6011633 (3816,3656) Label "Point 4",

 CoordSys Earth Projection 8, 104, "m", 21, 0, 0.9996, 500000, 0


The information on type of a projection of the raster image is contained in line «CoordSys Earth Projection» and is coded in file Mapinfow.prj (MapInfo).


Quotation from file Mapinfow.prj:

" ---Longitude / Latitude ---", 0, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.

"Longitude / Latitude", 1, 0

"Longitude / Latitude (Pulkovo 1942)", 1, 1001

"Longitude / Latitude (WGS 60)", 1, 101

"Longitude / Latitude (WGS 66)", 1, 102

"Longitude / Latitude (WGS 72)", 1, 103

"Longitude / Latitude (WGS 84)", 1, 104