Description of basic scripts |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | : MoveObjects
Move objects onto specified offsets. Before executing the command, it is necessary to mark objects on the map that will be moved, or to select a separate object in the Select Object dialog. When executing the command, enter the offset in meters along the X and Y axes and click the Run button. The marked objects or the selected object will be moved and updated on the map.A pop-up message will indicate the number of processed objects. : AddHValue
Add h by matrix of heights. Before executing the command, it is necessary to select objects on the map, whose coordinates will be set to the height value from open matrices, or to select a separate object in the Select Object dialog. After updating the coordinates, a pop-up message will indicate the number of processed objects. : DeleteHValue
Deleting h from the object metric. Before executing the command, it is necessary to select objects on the map whose height value will be removed in coordinates, or to select a separate object in the Object Selection dialog. After updating the coordinates, the pop-up message will indicate the number of processed objects. : DistanceToSemantic
Calculate the distance to an object and write to its semantics. Before executing the command, it is necessary to select objects on the map for which the distance to the selected object will be determined, and the value will be written into the specified semantics. After selecting the objects to be updated, it is necessary to select an object up to the center of which the distance from the nearest point of each object will be calculated. When executing the command, it is necessary to select the semantics into which the calculated distance will be written. After executing the command, a pop-up message will indicate the number of processed objects. : SearchForTheMaximum
Before executing the command, it is necessary to select objects on the map, among which the object with the maximum absolute height in the semantics with code 4 will be determined. After the command is executed, the found maximum absolute height and the object number will be indicated in a pop-up message. : BuildGrid
Building a rectangular grid on a map. When executing the command, it is necessary to enter the grid step in mm on the base map scale. The grid is built according to the dimensions of the map in the form of graphic objects - thin black lines. After executing the command, a pop-up message will indicate the number of drawn lines. : ConvertSemanticAltitude
Recalculate the height in semantics into feet or meters. Before executing the command, it is necessary to select objects on the map whose height value will be recalculated in the specified semantics, or to select a separate object in the Select Object dialog. When executing the command, it is necessary to select the input semantics, the output semantics into which the result of the recalculation will be written, and to select the type of recalculation: from meters to feet or from feet to meters. After executing the command, a pop-up message will indicate the number of processed objects. : CutText
Cut string fragment from semantics. Before executing the command, it is necessary to select objects on the map for which a fragment of the source line will be cut in the specified semantics, or to select a separate object in the Select Object dialog. When executing the command, it is necessary to select the input semantics and specify from which to which position to delete the substring. The remaining part will be saved in the same semantics. After executing the command, a pop-up message will indicate the number of processed objects. : SetLabelsRegister
Setting letter case of labels. Before executing the command, it is necessary to select objects on the map - labels, in which the specified case of the text (uppercase or lowercase letters) will be set in the text, or to select a separate object in the Select Object dialog. When executing the command, it is necessary to select the type of text conversion: «Abc», «ABC» or «abc». If the label text contains a reference to the semantics of the form «#NNNN», then the conversion will be performed for the corresponding semantics. After executing the command, a pop-up message will indicate the number of processed objects. : GetObjectsArea
Calculate area of selected objects. Before executing the command, it is necessary to select objects on the map for which the area will be calculated, or to select a separate object in the Select Object dialog. After executing the command, a pop-up message will indicate the number of found objects and their total area. : SaveObjectPoints
Save object coordinates in cm into a text file. Before executing the command, it is necessary to select a separate object in the Select Object dialog. When executing the command, it is necessary to select a file into which the coordinates of the object will be written with rounding to 2 decimal places. : SaveBoundaryList
List of border areas in the settlement into a text file. When executing the command, it is necessary to select a file into which the lines will be written with the nomenclature (name) of the map sheet and the unique number of the object that will be found. The script iterates through all objects having the semantics 1018 (survey.v6.rsc, Land category) with the value 2 (Lands of settlements) and searches for objects having the semantics 1018 with any other value (plots not included in settlements). The numbers of the found objects are saved into a file. After executing the command, a pop-up message will indicate the number of found objects. : SelectBoundary
Select on the map the border areas in the settlement. The script iterates through all objects having the semantics 1018 (survey.v6.rsc, Land category) with the value 2 (Lands of settlements) and searches for objects having the semantics 1018 with any other value (plots not included in settlements). Found objects are highlighted on the map. After executing the command, a pop-up message will indicate the number of found objects. : MifFolderToMap
Import folder with MIF/MID files. When executing the command, it is necessary to select the folder containing MIF/MID format files, to select the file name of the created map and the name of the RSC classifier file with which the map is created. After executing the command, a pop-up message will indicate the successful or unsuccessful result of the execution. : SitxToTif
Save maps to TIF. When executing the command, it is necessary to select a folder containing vector maps in the SITX format. The script iterates through all the maps in the folder and saves the map image at base scale into a TIF file that has a name such as a map file with the extension «.tif». After saving the image of the next map, a pop-up message with the map name is displayed. : CalcMinDistances
Finding the minimum distances between map objects. To execute the script, open vector maps must include a map with a road graph containing arcs (linear object with code 5557) and nodes created using the road25.rsc or service.rsc classifier. When executing the command, it is necessary to select from the list of maps opened in the document the first map (Map A), from the objects of which routes are built, and the second map (Map B), up to the objects of which routes are built according to the road graph. For maps A and B, it is necessary to specify semantics that identify objects (for example, cadastral number, address, GUID, etc.). After pressing the Run button, the CSV file name is selected, into which object identifiers from maps A and B and the shortest distance between them according to the road graph will be recorded. After executing the command, a pop-up message will indicate the number of calculated routes.