Modeling a breakthrough wave during the destruction of a hydraulic structure

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The mode is designed to calculate the propagation of a breakthrough wave in the event of destruction of a dam (levee).


The initial data for executing the program are:


Matrix of elevations of the relief for the entire length of the analyzed fairway and for the entire territory of the proposed flood zone. Matrix of elevations must be presented as a single pasted file. Otherwise, the flood zone will not be constructed.


Map created using the service.rsc classifier, with drawn objects:

- dam - linear object (layer: «HYDROLOGY», name: «Dam, roller», key: «253-000-L»);

- Fairway - continuous (without subobjects) linear object (layer: «HYDROLOGY», name: «Fairway», key: «L_waterline»);

- Targets - a set of point objects located on the fairway (layer: «HYDROLOGY», name: «Gate point», key: «P_Gate»).


All objects must have semantics 32856 (OBJECT ID).

All objects belonging to the same hydroelectric complex must have the same semantic value 32856 (OBJECT IDENTIFIER).


Result of program execution

Program execution