Calculations by depths matrixes group

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Calculations by a set of depths matrixes are carried out in dialog of Calculations by depths matrixes group.



Dialog for Calculations by depths matrixes group


For calculations by a set of depths matrixes there is necessary the presence of open matrixes of depths (MTQ), that make up earlier created sets.  Calculations are performed by matrixes of depths of the set specified in the window the Name of depths matrixes group.

Results of calculations are arrays of values of the areas and volumes of water filling's area. The number of elements of the array of areas and volumes is defined by the number of depths matrixes that make up the analyzed set.

The obtained results of calculations will depend on the value specified in window the Step of scanning of surface. At increase in the step of scanning, the calculations process will be carried out faster, but reliability of results will decrease.

Calculations can be executed on various sets of depths matrixes, and also with various step of scanning of surface. Results of calculations can be collected in DBF tables of a database if the mode is set: Write results to data base.

For the subsequent viewing and the analysis of results there is a possibility of their identification in group "Add to name of matrixes group" at recording into a database.

Results of calculations are stored in the form of two database tables. The first table contains a description of sets of depths matrixes by which the calculations were made.



Viewing the results of calculations by a set of depths matrixes


The second table contains arrays of numerical values of calculated characteristics (the areas and volumes).



Viewing the arrays of numerical values of calculated characteristics


Further these database tables are used to construct graphs of change of numerical characteristics of water-filling, and also at viewing and analyzing the results.