Formation of electronic XML-document LAND-PLAN

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clip0304 In case the statement for the state cadastral registration of the land plot is provided into body of the cadastral account in the form of the electronic document, the land plan shall be in the form of the electronic document certified by the signature of the cadastral engineer which has attested the land-plan. Thus, the land plan in the form of the electronic document certified by a digital signature of the cadastral engineer, and in the electronic form as files in XML format, created with use of XML-schemes and providing reading and control of provided data.

The land plan given into body of the cadastral account in the form of the electronic document, consists of a set of the files packed into one ZIP-archive (further - the package). One land plan corresponds to one package.

The package name should have the following view:

GKUZU_*.zip, where

GKUZU - a prefix denoting the belonging the information to a file with data of the land-plan;

* - an unique set of characters, no longer than 50 characters, for example GUID.

Package content is always one XML-file containing semantic information of the land plan, as well as one or several files with extension JPG, TIFF or PDF, containing a graphic part of the land plan.

For the formation of the electronic document of the land-plan the prepared cadastral map is used. Onto cadastral map should be put contours of land plots and their parts included into the object of cadastral works.

For formation of the XML-document of the land-plan of version 4 (LP) in the environment "Panorama" it is necessary:

  1. To put onto a cadastral map the initial information about the location of object of cadastral works from the XML-files received from bodies of the cadastral account.

2. To make changes into a cadastral map in accordance with the results of cadastral works - to prepare the coordinate description of object of cadastral works (OCW). To prepare attributes OCW - to fill semantics of objects of a cadastral map. It is recommended to use a mode clip0305 Editing of REGISTRATION DATA of object (semantics).

3. To put elements of graphic designing. To prepare appearance of schemes for a graphic part of the land plan.

4. To prepare images for a graphic part of the land plan. It is recommended to use the mode clip0306 To save the image for a graphic part of a report.

5. To scan the documents appended to the textual report the land plan.

6. To form the textual report the land plan. It is recommended to use a mode clip0307 To print the LAND-PLAN.

7. To scan pages of the textual report of the land-plan and other documents attached to the XML document.

8. To form the electronic XML-document the land-plan. For this purpose to mark the objects of a map that are included into OCW, to call the "LAND-PLAN" dialogue. Further by means of the "LAND-PLAN" dialogue to form XML-file, to form the electronic digital signature, to generate a ZIP-package, for sending into body of the cadastral account.

After starting the procedure of formation of the electronic document of the land-plan the «LAND-PLAN» dialogue is activated.